
This is where I showcase my skills by showing you some of my works. I hope you'll like what you see. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Web Design

Here are some of my artworks during my stay in Hibu. I am one of the web artists in this company, and I am responsible in making design for the customers' website depending on how they want their site to look like or on what type of business they offer. I get to design websites for  random business fields, and it helped me a lot to become a more flexible designer.



concept art

Concept art for games. (Posted with permission)


These are some of the illustrations and commissions that I worked on during my free time.

Manga pages

Some pages from my own manga series. Story can be read in Tapas.


Video stories of my favorite fandom that I worked on during my free time.